Relax the mind chatter through sound

Our latest complimentary sound therapy is a truly relaxing experience. Designed to offer a binaural sound experience that supports the brain leave the mind chattering Beta brain state and fall into the deep relaxation of the Theta brain state. Often sleep inducing, the low-frequency brainwaves have been associated with deep relaxation and internal focus, creative and perceptual thought and self […]

Thanks for the invite Centre of Yes

We are excited to announce that we have been invited by the Centre of Yes to offer a Sound Healing experience after their monthly Gentle Yoga session at Higher Blackley Community Centre on 11th December 2023. The session begins with yoga at midday with Shirley Wilson, followed by some light refreshments. Chakra Sound Healing with the Treasured Earth Family is […]

Bathe your Chakras

Treat yourself to an individual Chakra Sound Therapy treatment. Let the Himalayan sound bowls fully encompass you as you relax into your own personal sound bath. Individual treatments in a park or garden setting are available by arrangement at £40 – £50, sessions typically last 45mins – 1hr Please enquire via contact form

Sound Bath offerings

Sound Bath offerings

The Treasured Earth Family would like to offer complementary group Chakra Sound Healing session to local mental health groups. Seven Himalayan Sound Healing Bowls will be used to perform a gentle sound bath healing session. Sound baths can improve mood, can be helpful for anxiety and stress and, through relaxation they can help lower blood pressure. Please use the contact […]